Hunchly Logo
Hunchly Logo

Who it's for

Hunchly is for investigative professionals, online researchers, and anyone else who needs to do unbiased fact-finding with no room for error.

Law enforcement Icon

Law enforcement

Save hours in documentation time, with automatic tracking of every page you visit. Build court-ready evidence packages in minutes, with the forensic history included.


Automatically log all web pages visited

Generate court-ready evidence packages

Track every investigative step with ease

Cybersecurity analysts Icon

Cybersecurity analysts

Keep track of every step when researching threat actors, malware, and exploits, and keep your system anonymous and safe. Import Hunchly data into your other research tools.


Pull data into companion tools like Recon NG

Track everything you've seen

Preserve posts, social media and dark web research

Private investigators Icon

Private investigators

Track your casework and document searches. Keep your clients informed on every step you take, and prepare reports in minutes, for both your clients and the court.


Document searches and casework efficiently

Create client and court reports quickly

Track every step of your investigation

Journalists Icon


Automatically preserve websites and social media accounts while a story unfolds. Easily categorize and tag content for reference when you put pen to paper.


Automatically log every source for your story

Tag and categorize for quick reference

Preserve websites and social media content

What our users say

"Hunchly takes care of recording and tracking and lets me focus on investigating and researching."
Kai Thomsen
DFIR Lead, Audi AG
Logo - Kai Thomsen
"Hunchly is an absolutely essential part of my investigations toolkit. I can't count how many times it's helped me save something that later disappeared, or to identify connections between web pages."
Craig Silverman
Media Editor
Logo - Craig Silverman
Due diligence and financial researchers Icon

Due diligence and financial researchers

Easily manage all downloaded corporate documents and filings, annual reports, and legal briefs, and save hours in report prep. Show every step with an automatic, transparent audit trail.


Manage corporate documents with ease

Track all research steps transparently

Save time on report preparation

Insurance investigators Icon

Insurance investigators

Build detailed claims assessments using online data and evidence, quickly and easily. A transparent audit trail lets you document every step of your investigation.


Build claims assessments with online data

Document every investigative step automatically

Create transparent, detailed reports quickly

Human rights advocates Icon

Human rights advocates

Capture and document stories and evidence automatically. Organize and tag your data for easy retrieval, and produce detailed transparent reports for legal cases or advocacy efforts.


Capture stories and evidence seamlessly

Organize data for easy legal retrieval

Produce detailed, transparent reports

Professors and students Icon

Professors and students

Keep track of your sources for research projects, papers and dissertations. Organize and tag content for reference, and put your bibliography together fast.


Track all research sources automatically

Organize and tag content for easy reference

Quickly compile accurate bibliographies

Free Trial

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